ADHD paralysis, or executive dysfunction, is when someone
struggles to start, finish, or continue tasks because of intense
anxiety, stress, or tiredness.
Conversation between A and B about ADHD paralysis. A says: "I
can't start, finish, or keep up with tasks." B responds: "This
is ADHD paralysis. Try breaking tasks into smaller steps,
prioritize tasks, and limit distractions." By
ADHD and tasks
Always practice self-care. It's ok to have ADHD; just find a way
to improve yourself.
Conversation between A and B about ADHD and laundry tasks. A
says: "And there I forgot the laundry... again. My ADHD clearly
has a thing for clean clothes." B responds: "Relax, it's all
right. Tomorrow." A adds: "Today is another day I do everything
tomorrow." By
ADHD self care and self compassion
If managing ADHD continues to be a challenge despite considerable
effort, try focusing on foundational self-care practices such as
self-compassion and relaxation techniques. These can be pivotal in
navigating these difficulties.
Conversation between A and B about ADHD and self-care. A says:
"ADHD still persisting despite my efforts." B advises: "Work on
the fundamentals: self-care, self-compassion, and finding ways
to relax and calm down." By