Difficult People

by Flinkliv · Updated October, 19, 2024

  1. Why do you need to know how to deal with difficult people?
  2. Characteristics of difficult people
  3. Types of difficult people
  4. Examples of dealing with difficult people

Why do you need to know how to deal with difficult people?

We interact with people every day, and some of them, let’s say it, are difficult to handle.
Difficult people’s behaviors have a negative impact on our brains and diminish our quality of life dramatically.
We need to know how to detect, process, and deal with a different types of difficult people to protect our quality of life.

Conversation between A and B about difficult people. B: We need to know how to deal with difficult people to protect our quality of life. By flinkliv.com

Characteristics of difficult people

There are many characteristics of difficult people, here are the most common difficult people characteristics:

  • Lack of empathy
  • Self-centered
  • Pose as victims
  • Whining
  • Good at blaming
  • Expert in gossiping
Conversation between A and B about the characteristics of difficult people. A: My coworker stresses me out B: Is he a difficult person? A: How do I know that? B: Well, here are the common characteristics of difficult people B: Lack of empathy, self-centered, pose as victims, whining, good at blaming and gossiping. By flinkliv.com

Types of difficult people

There are many types of difficult people that we deal with daily at home, work, school, gym, street, etc. Here are the most common types of difficult people:

Slacker Manipulator Grenade
Whiner Psychopath No person
Maybe person Nothing person Gossiper
Yes man Delegator Naysayer

Examples of dealing with difficult poeple

How to deal with difficult people?

Knowing how to deal with difficult people is a handy skill. There are many tactics to deal with difficult people depending on your relationship with the person and the type of difficulty. However, no matters the situation, keep in mind to always separate the people from their behavior: it is not the person; it is the behavior.

Example of inclusive language

Use inclusive language to influence people positively and bring them.

Conversation between A and B about the inclusive language to deal with difficult people. A: I hate the purple B: Why? A: I told him that he doesn’t communicate, so he got offended. A: In this case, you should have used inclusive language. B: What? How? B: Something like “We are having trouble communicating By flinkliv.com

Example of dealing with the delegator

The delegating or the master delegator keeps burdening their coworkers or team members without considering their workload.

Conversation between A and B about how to deal with the delegator. A: My boss is a jerk B: Why? A: He keeps delegating tasks to me with no consideration for my workload B: Make him aware of your workload A: how? B: Show him your asks’ list, then ask: How should we prioritize the new task? By flinkliv.com


Addressing and preventing gaslighting is crucial for maintaining a healthy, productive, and respectful workplace. Consequences of gaslighting:

  • Undermines trust
  • Impacts mental health
  • Distorts reality
  • Reduces productivity
  • Promotes a toxic culture
  • Hinders professional growth
  • Increases turnover
Conversation between A and B about Gaslighting. 
				B: I feel like I am isolated in this company
A: You're being too sensitive, just imagining things. Come on, man up 
A: What? Come on, you're just being sensitive. Man up
				By flinkliv.com

People judge

It is importance of being mindful about how one presents themselves to avoid negative perceptions from others

Conversation between A and B about how People judge you depending on what you say. A: Geez, I'm a moron B: Broadcasting your stupidity to the world B: People are judgy, be mindful of how you present yourself. By flinkliv.com

Choose your focus wisely

You are what you focus on. By concentrating on positive goals and constructive ideas, you shape a path toward growth and success. Contrarily, dwelling on negative thoughts and worries can lead to stress and hinder your progress. Choose your focus wisely.

Conversation between A and B about You become what you give your attention to. 
				A: The world's falling apart. We're screwed.
				B: You become what you give your attention to.
				A: Oh great, Mr. wise
				B: Stay positive, find solutions, and help others
				By flinkliv.com

Toxic leaders transfer

Transferring toxic leaders instead of addressing their behavior worsens the issue and spreads harm. To ensure a safe workplace, organizations must hold abusive leaders accountable, not move them around.

Conversation between A and B about how toxic leaders transfer hams organizations. 
            		B: Shuffling toxic leaders is like playing hot potato with a grenade—it’ll blow up later.
					A: But hey, it’s budget-friendly
					By Flinkliv.com


It is essential to understand the context and culture of the situation. In some settings, a competitive and direct approach may be the norm, while in others, a more collaborative and supportive atmosphere is encouraged. It's crucial to be aware of the expectations and dynamics of the environment where you seek feedback.

Conversation between A and B about check the people before asking them for feedback. B: I want to improve. Any feedback for my presentation? A: Cut the constant feedback begging. A: This ain't a hug fest; here, we compete. B: Thanks for the reality check. By flinkliv.com

Office rumors

As whispers travel from one cubicle to another, it's easy to see how rumors can gain traction. Yet, as the old saying goes, "Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots." This adage reminds us to approach such talk cautiously, recognizing that not everything we hear is rooted in truth. Focus instead on fostering a positive and productive work environment

Conversation between A and B about the office rumors.
				A: Did you hear the latest gossip?
				B: Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
				By Flinkliv.com

Example of changing behavior

Sometimes you have to change your mindset and control your feeling to have a piece of mind.

Conversation between A and B about changing your behavior to deal with difficult-people. A: I hate the red; he irritates me B: Well, you have to change your mindset and control your feelings A: He is the problem, not me B: It is hard to change people’s behavior, and his behavior is badly affecting you B: So the most effective option is to change your mindset and control your feelings. By flinkliv.com

Roots to a healthier workplace

Organizations often prioritize profit over addressing the root causes of employee burnout, such as unsustainable workloads and toxic work environments, focusing instead on developing coping skills. Despite recognizing the importance of mental health, many fail to create supportive, healthy workplaces, leading to widespread burnout. Solutions exist, like better work-life balance and supportive policies, but require genuine commitment from leadership to implement meaningful change.

Conversation between A and B about how to get to the Roots to a healthier workplace. A: Our employees need a stress management course B: How about fixing the root causes: workloads, toxic environment B: Shhh, Too expensive. By flinkliv.com

Be flexible

"Sometimes, flexibility is better," reinforces the idea that the ability to adjust and adapt to changing circumstances can be more effective and beneficial than always sticking rigidly to set procedures. This highlights the balance between maintaining structure and being open to change, suggesting that flexibility is crucial in both personal and professional contexts.

Conversation between A and B about how flexibility is sometimes a good thing. A: I am strict on following procedures B: So is the spaghetti until it meets hot water. B: Sometimes, flexibility is better. By flinkliv.com


Let's avoid judging how people cope or stim with challenges. Stimming is a diverse world of repetitive movements and helps neurodivergent (people with autism, ADHD, and dyslexia) with self-regulation and coping. From spinning pens to twirling hair, there's no wrong way to stim.

Conversation between A and B about how to not judge how people stim. A: Who crazily loops the same song? B: Neurodivergents use stimming for self-regulation, focus, ... A: Neuro-what-now? B: Folk with autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. By flinkliv.com

Boundaries vs ghosting

Personal boundaries are the limits and rules you set for yourself within relationships. However, ghosting is not setting boundaries, ghosting someone is an unhealthy tool of communication in any relationship.

Conversation between A and B about talking to people and not about people. A: I wont answer; to set my boundaries. B: Be open about your boundaries instead of ghosting people B: Wow. By flinkliv.com

Life is only as good as your mindset

Conversation between A and B about Life is only as good as your mindset B: Life is only as good as your mindset. A: Oh sure A: Tried paying bills with positivity. Turns out, they prefer cash. Who knew, right? I'll share my positive vibes with my empty fridge and bills. By flinkliv.com

Talk to people not about people

Many problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other, instead of about each other.

Conversation between A and B about talking to people and not about people. B: Many problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other, instead of about each other. A: what do you think? By flinkliv.com

Corporate transformations

Corporate transformations aren't just top-down. Everyine, and especially middle managers and supervisors can create significant change with the right mindset.

Conversation between A and B about how people can impact corporate transformations. B: We can impact Corporate Transformation. A: Oh, wow, look at you, big boy, A: Savior of the corporate universe B: Yes, with the right mindset. By flinkliv.com

Talented employee but no initiative

Employees may not be using their talents to the fullest, and the reasons could be personal challenges, interpersonal issues, and leadership problems. Leadership plays a significant role in employees' performance. Managers can unknowingly hinder talents through micromanagement or unclear objectives.

Conversation between A and B about how managers can affect talented people performance. A: Talented employees but no initiative B: It could be managerial issues: manipulation, poor communication, etc. A: They're here for my objectives A: And if not, they can leave. By flinkliv.com

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