by Flinkliv · Updated April. 28, 2024
Problem-solving is describing a problem; determining the cause of the problem; then identifying and selecting possible solutions; and executing a solution.
Problem-solving skills are essential to overcome obstacles, to handle difficult or unexpected situations, and to find solutions to complex challenges.
Time-eaters or time wasting are nasty tasks that hinder our productivity. Do your best to identify, eliminate or reduce time-eaters.
it ain't just about what you know, it's about how you approach life. Attitude is everything when it comes to hiring! Don't pass up potential candidates because they don't have the skills yet. Teach them and watch them grow.
Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship.
Adopting a growth mindset involves thinking that intelligence and skills can be developed through dedication, patience, and hard work. Here are some practical steps to cultivate a growth mindset:
Do you know what they say about leadership? You have to be able to deal with your emotions. But let's face it; it's a damn hard! Just remember these three things: broaden your emotional vocabulary, consider the intensity of the emotion, and write it out.
We tend to focus on the available time to finish the task rather than what we truly need. That leads to inefficiency and wasted time. Be sure to set the right deadlines to complete a task.
Dream big, take action, and make a difference. Embrace your inner dreamer and unleash your doer spirit.
When you're stuck in one place, anxiety turns into a heavyweight champion, knocking you out with worries and overthinking. So, the key is to break free from the motionless trap. Don't let your mind become a playground for anxiety. Instead, kick into action, think less, and do more.
Sometimes, a "Just Start" is a simple way to help overcome procrastination
Fixing things is more than knowing how to fix things; it is a process where you have to understand how to organize time, have the right skills, get some discipline and, of course, do it.
Focus your attention on one task at a time, you are more likely to get more done in less time. This is because when you are fully focused, you are more likely to avoid distractions and complete your work more efficiently.
Outputs are what you make or do in a project, while outcomes are the reasons why you're doing it and the bigger picture it's all about. Outputs are the "what" of the project, while outcomes are the "why" or the significance behind it.
The five whys technique is a way to figure out why something went wrong to solve the problem. It involves asking "Why?" multiple times to get to the root cause of a problem. Each answer to a why helps you get closer to the root cause.
Overplanning is a trap; keep in mind that nothing will ever be perfect since you have little control over most outcomes. An ok plan with execution is better than a perfect plan with no execution.
Resource distribution within a company should ideally follow principles that promote fairness, strategic alignment, and overall organizational efficiency rather than the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" approach.
Start with smaller, more manageable goals and maintain consistency to improve the chances of sticking to resolutions.
It is essential to have a night of good quality sleep. To avoid thinking about work in the middle of the night:
You can chase your passion and dreams and keep your day job to pay bills. However, it will be easy but doable with a good plan and a lot of grit.
What and how you talk to yourself has a significant impact on your way of approaching and solving issues and challenges.
To stimulate creativity, try to be relaxed and create a psychological environment, use diffuse thinking such as taking breaks and eating something you like. Don't hold yourself, and embrace making mistakes and having fun.
There are different ways of motivating employees. Citizenship crafting can be a great way to motivate employees, while offering a raise or promotion would be a more effective method.
Going 100% all the time leads to burnout and crappier results. So, managers, listen up! Stick to that sweet spot of 85% and create a kickass team.
Distractions are a part of daily life and can often lead to frustration and decreased productivity. However, instead of blaming external factors, it's essential to focus on improving our ability to concentrate and minimize distractions. This can be done through various techniques, such as setting clear goals, eliminating distractions, taking breaks, and using tools to increase focus. By taking control of our attention and working towards better focus, we can achieve more in our personal and professional lives.
Motivation, planning, and action are critical elements to succeed. Motivation provides the driving force, the plan outlines the steps to be taken, and action is the execution of those steps toward the desired outcome.
Relative deprivation is the feeling of discontent or unfairness when we compare ourselves to others, even if we have enough resources. A relative deprivation by cultivating gratitude, focusing on personal goals and achievements, and maintaining a positive perspective and outlook on life.
Writing your ideas down is a powerful process to organize, clarify, and execute your ideas.
Balancing personal time and helping others can be challenging when faced with limited hours in the day. While it's important to prioritize self-care, it's also fulfilling to contribute to the well-being of others.
Tomorrow won’t be different if you don’t change something today.
Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft
To improve sleep quality, try meditation and do-it-yourself sleep remedies to help with insomnia. Additionally, do not turn the bedroom into an office space, as this can negatively impact sleep.
So, you know what I do when I'm scratching my head over some issue? I toss that question onto some forum, right? But get this, I ain't just sittin' there twiddlin' my thumbs – oh no. I jump into another forum account I got chillin' in the shadows, and I drop the most hilariously wrong answer you can imagine. And guess what? Folks don't give a damn about helpin' out a buddy in need, but boy, oh boy, they're like freakin' bloodhounds when it comes to pouncing on mistakes. Well, Cunningham's Law.
Internal job rejection could be a hard pill to swallow. You should acknowledge that it can be a challenging experience. Do not take the rejection personally; act with integrity and professionalism in response to the decision.
Self-awareness is vital to achieving success. Improving self-awareness can lead to better decision-making, stronger relationships, and reduced stress levels.
Complaining can feel good. But you know what feels even better? Actually, fixing things.
Stress is caused by your reaction, not other people or external events. Learn how to accept a situation and find solutions or let go.
Working from home has become a popular and effective option for many workers, but individual circumstances may affect the productivity benefits experienced. Remote work offers some benefits, such as greater focus and efficiency, while reducing stress and saving time by eliminating the need for a commute. There are some potential challenges of remote work, such as isolation and difficulty with work-life balance.
It is a challenge to manage multiple teams. So it is important to prioritize tasks, set clear expectations, and make time for learning.
Leaders strive to make a meaningful impact. The key to success lies in their approach to endorsing new ideas. When faced with resistance and frustration, leaders should embrace collaboration, respect diverse perspectives, and maintain a strategic focus. They have to shift from a crusader to a collaborative leader.
Don't just patch up the surface. In problem-solving, be a detective and dig for the root cause of issues. Addressing the source leads to lasting solutions that make a real impact.
Taking proactive steps, like discipline and prioritization, is essential to manage overwhelming situations, even if it requires personal effort, rather than relying solely on others for emotional support.
Systems are designed for those who prioritize consistent success and long-term victories. They focus on creating and following routines, processes, and strategies that enable them to win frequently and sustainably. On the other hand, goals are tailored for those seeking one-time achievements or specific targets. They set their sights on accomplishing a particular objective, regardless of the frequency of success. Ultimately, both systems and goals have their place in achieving success.
Effective attention span is foundational to many aspects of life, from academic achievement and professional success to personal well-being and relationship building.