
by Flinkliv · Updated March. 30, 2024

  1. Why do you need communication?
  2. What are the building blocks of communication?
  3. Example of communication
  4. What are the barriers to communication?

Why do you need communication?

Communication is a skill that helps us to socialize, persuade and influence our loved ones, friends, strangers, and coworkers.

Communication allows us to share and seek information.

Communication lets us express our feelings and emotions.

Communication enables us to build relationships and socialize.

Well, you get it; communication is at the center of everything we do.

Conversation between A and B about the need to know communication. A: Why do we need communication? B: Communication allows us to share and seek information. B: to express our feelings and emotions. B: to build relationships and socialize. B: Well, you get it; communication is at the center of everything we do. By

What are the building blogs of communication?

There are five main building blocks of communication:

  1. People: What do you want them to feel, think and do when they get your message?
  2. Message: It is how you say or write your message; is the message friendly, joyful, authoritarian, etc.?
  3. Channel: It is how you deliver the message face-to-face, email, or call.
  4. Context: Choose the right timing and location before you deliver your message.
  5. Effective listening: Be sure to listen carefully

Example of communication

Company culture and values

Company culture or an organization's culture is a set of shared values, goals, attitudes, and practices that characterize an organization, such as how employees are managed, how decisions are made, how conflicts are resolved, how your customers are treated.

Conversation between A and B about company culture and values. A: How is the company culture here? B: It is great; we have free coffee. B: Company culture is more than free coffee. B: Company culture is how employees are managed, how decisions are made, how conflicts are resolved, how your customers are treated. A: Did I mention that we also have free pancakes and donuts on Fridays? By


We often compare today's challenges to the old days, highlighting that we need to have a deeper chat about resilience that goes beyond just saying, "back in my day..." and other generational clichés.

Conversation between A and B about resilience A: Young employees are not resilient B: Enough with the clichés B: Let's communicate and connect the generations. A: Back in my day ... B: Here we go. By

Don't worry

To enhance communication, it's essential to tailor approaches to better resonate with each other's emotional and conversational needs

Conversation between A and B about how to listen and answer A: I am worried. B: Worrying steals today's peace, not tomorrow's troubles. A: Cut it out with the fortune cookie gibberish By

Company team culture

Company team culture is the shared understanding of how individuals collaborate, communicate, and work together towards common goals.

Conversation between A and B about company culture A: How's the company team culture? B: Oh boy: parties, gamings, team-building exercises, and awesomeness t-shirts By

The power of communicating with kindness

Leaders need to step up their kindness game. Squash defensiveness with grace, give credit where it's due, and make space for honest conversations.

Conversation between A and B about the power of communicating with kindness. B: Leaders need to step up their kindness game. Squash defensiveness with grace, give credit where it's due, and make space for honest conversations. By

Attention span

Effective attention span is foundational to many aspects of life, from academic achievement and professional success to personal well-being and relationship building.

Conversation between A and B about attention-span. A: Attention spans are at an all-time low B: Goldfish are outperforming us By

What are the barriers to communication?

There are many barriers to communication, such as:

  • Lack of attention.
  • Poor listening skills.
  • Wrong communication channels.
  • The use of jargon.
  • Intent-impact gap.
  • Etc.
Conversation between A and B about barriers to communication. A: Why don’t people communicate effectively? B: Because of lack of attention, trust, and clarity By
Conversation between A and B about barriers to communication. B: Wrong communication channel, the use of jargon, and the intent-impact gap A: Is this jargon? B: Oh, boy! By

Example of lack of attention

Conversation between A and B about the lack of attention. B: The fridge is broken A: Yeap [A is looking at his phone] B: We need to fix it A: Sure By

Example of poor listening skills:

Conversation between A and B about poor listening skills. B: Effective listening skills improve the quality of communication A: I want a sandwich! By

Example of wrong communication channels:

Conversation between A and B about wrong communication channels. A: Why did he not answer? B: Why is he not talking By

Example of the use of jargon in IT:

Conversation between A and B about the use of jargon in IT. A: We are experiencing a downtime B: What do you mean? Solution A: The online service is unavailable to our clients B: Ok, I understand By

Conversation between A and B about the use of jargon in IT. A: I am thinking about code refactoring B: What do you mean? Solution A: I have to improve the code B: Ok, I understand By

Example of the use of jargon in marketing:

Conversation between A and B about the use of jargon in marketing. A: I am very smart. B: How can you prove that? By

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